Saturday 25 September 2010

Jenny's first visit - May Bank Holiday 2010

A few weeks pass before we both get the chance to head north again and for me it is my first proper look at what we have let ourselves in for!
On arrival, first priority to is to say hello to Sarah Jane and we spend some time exchanging updates and news on mutual contacts and acquaintances. Stephen leaves us to it over a cup of tea! It is lovely talking about years gone by and learning about the intervening years and where people have got to.  The connection with the bothy also perhaps brings a heightened responsibility to really look after it and transform it into something really special. 
When I head back to the bothy, Stephen has already started taking down the partition that divides the two rooms and we move the timber into the garage in the hope that we can later reuse/recycle this and or at the very least salvage what we can for essential fire wood supplies.   The removal of the partition opens up the space incredibly and lets us fully appreciate what we have in the main structure.

Next, the corrugated iron lean to coal shed comes down - this is leaning unsafely and is better flattened by us in a controlled manner rather than as a result of a gale force wind!

From this . . .

To this

The boys, Bruce and Fionn take it easy . . .

The dogs soon learn to chill in the back of the car

We discover the delights of MacLeans bakery in the Square - recommended for a good cup of tea, a bacon roll  and a nice wee cake! 


We spend the two days 'tidying' and demolishing what we can and bit by bit Dad helps us build up a collection of handy tools and equipment which will help us on our way.  In fact Dad and Molly pay us a visit and leave with a bag of coal for the Elgin fire.

The ground is going to be quite a challenge, especially as there is still alot of summer growth to take place.  Tackling this is the main item on the agenda for the next visit.

Alan Titchmarsh and Charlie Dimmock . . . where are you?!

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