Saturday 25 September 2010

August Bank Holiday Weekend 2010

Another bank holiday weekend, another opportunity to head north and chip away at the the 'to do' list.  Stephen has arranged to meet two local contractors who we hope will do the initial groundwork and build the fence.
Both meetings go well and the remainder of the weekend is spent doing further tidying and clearance back and forth to the local tip with the trailer (in between trips to MacLeans the bakers of course!).

Removing these monster conifers has created so much more space and light at the gate and for our neighbour

The garage, with the rusty tin roof, is great storage for now but will be demolished to make way for foundations

See the mound of earth in front of the bothy wall - this all has to be excavated
The boys assisting with the works . . .

Dad, we think this might be a drain of sorts?

Just throw my ball will you??

We leave that weekend having really done all we can for now.  The next major milestones include obtaining planning permission, digging the ground out and erecting the fence.

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